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Attorney Lawrence Presents at Second Saturday Divorce Workshop

Ripped up marriageFoster Swift family law attorney, Gabrielle Lawrence, will be one of the presenters at the next Second Saturday workshop program held on Saturday, September 14 from 9 am - 12 pm. 

Second Saturday is a critically acclaimed workshop and community founded in 1989 by nationally renowned advocates/wealth managers Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall. Second Saturday offers non-biased financial, emotional and legal advice from qualified local professionals, providing people with the knowledge, support, resources and trust that they need to survive the divorce process and move forward with confidence toward a new life.

This national program is not held anywhere else in Michigan and is designed to help address the emotional, legal and financial aspects of divorce. Some topics covered include:

  • Can I afford to keep the house?
  • How is child and/or spousal support calculated?
  • Comparing the different legal processes for divorce.
  • Strategies to manage the emotional rollercoaster.

For more information, visit the workshop's Facebook page.

Categories: Did you Know?, Divorce, News & Events

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